Tuesday 13 November 2012

Week 16: Presentation day!

Presentation day is here!!
I've got to say that after looking at all the presentations here i'm so proud of us. I think this is what happens when ou give us a fun project! We had the best time learning about this and all the designs that were there today were just awesome! And the models... oh my god. Stunning. We were pretty cocky and happy with ours and then we walk  in nthe room and EVERYBODY had amazing awesome models!

Here is out final finished prouduct, thanks for a fun semester tutors!

They come in colours according to season!

Week 16: Pobble Pets!

We did some intense research on what a 4 year old is able to say:



And came up with the name Pobble Pets!

Also official class sizes:


So the Pets will come in packs of: 25 pets, 25 hometree docks, 25 fruit docks and 3 toilet docks. Addtionals can be purchased as needed.

Monday 12 November 2012

Week 15: Presentation prep

This week we filmed the films (which can be seen on google docs), we wrote the report and did the pitch prep.

I figured out manufacturing for the boms and we did that up:

Rather than use USBs or Bluetooth we realised all of a sudden that of course! Transfer Jet!