Saturday 28 July 2012

Week one, Inputs and outputs exercise


The exercise we had to undertake after identifying and understanding inputs and outputs (actions and reactions) was to construsct a visual representation of an input-->output/ action-->reaction.

We took a while to decide which approach to take, trying first to take an input/output and apply a scenario to it, and then after that trying to take a scenario and identifying the input and output. It was all a very confusing endeavour and slowly and accidentally almost, we sort of started to click about what all this meant and stumbled upon the gate scenario as pictured above. I belive it was Felicity's example of something to do with 'a device that notifies a mother when her child has arrived home from school if she is not perhaps around to make sure' that got us onto the shutting the gate scenario. With a gate sometimes if you run through it quickly you may not turn around to check if the gate has clicked into place and whether or not it is shut. This simple input/output construction (pictured) shows a physical reaction or 'levers' made from paddlepop sticks and dowel, held together with rubberbands and plastecine. Basically when the gate was open, nothing was holding up the flag and so the flag dropped out of sight. But when the gate was closed, the gate pushed the lever which held the flag up clearly within view (sybolising that the gate was closed). So ACTION= closing the gate properly and REACTION= flag is raised.

This exercise started to cement in our minds the idea of what interaction design meant and what we were leaning towards. 

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