Tuesday 31 July 2012

Week one,Reading one- Interaction Design Sketchbook by Bill Verplank

 Interaction Design Sketchbook by Bill Verplank

How do you do? How do you feel? How do you know?

Basically what i got from this part of the reading was how to communicate with a design.
These three things are true to physical non- computerised objects too, but when you link it to a design that interacts with you it gets omre complicated and refined. A computer is harder to use and figure out than a physical obect and the way you have to design it needs to eliminate confusion and it needs to almost be instinctual. You need feedback and pathways to navigate and you need to lock into emotional psychological states to educate people on how to react appropriately to the design.

Buttons provide precise definite feedback and precision, while handles (i thought here about say a volume control switch) are a gesture that isnt so precise (expression).

You can provide emotion and metaphor though say video, yet text and print is seen as definite and fact.

And the one which seems most difficult to get right is the pathway/map navigation. When you pick up a video game for example, you don't know how to navigate it by looking at the physical object. You need to get into the program and blindly find your way through. We must provide a familiar, or at least the most obvious, pathway through to allow use of the object. Yet there also must be a side to it which lets you grow and learn. There must be a wide exploration of alternative and mixed solutions.

'The result of an interaction design is displays and controls and the behaviours that connect them (mappings)'

The next part offers up alot to think about.

'Computers are an extention of the self'

This talks about the fact that computers are brain that we have accepted as being superior to our own. They work our arithmatic faster, they can perform calculations in a second and they can sort through data with far more precision than we ever could. It talks about 'Artificial Intellegence' and that the next challenge for robots are affect (emotional computers), consciousness (self-aware computers) and soul (spiritual computers). This is something that when you read it, is so alarming. IF you let your imagination run with it this conjures up thoughts of an Isaac Asimov style, I,Robot future where we are subject to the robots will. And honestly, it is somehting to look out for. Humanity is it's own worst enemy. 'With great power comes great responsibility' (while being a quote from a movie or something i'm pretty sure) actually does ring true. The more we grow and learn and discover and create, the more we must learn to use appropriately and control with care. An obvious example is the discovery of hydrogen bomb technology. A great technological discovery strictly speaking, but put in the hands of the wrong people.... and obviously you know the rest of that story.
It all seems like a load a sci-fi and nonsense but we are doing some pretty amazing things with technology and honestly, i don't think some theories that pop up are all too false. This is mainly an internal ramble and train of thought but this is what played on my mind during the reading so i thought i'd share.
But obviously 'We may have better models for language or thought, for emotions and spirit, but we do
not understand the world any better or how we might change it.'
The human mind is complex and honestly i don't think robots could ever hope to function as a human does.

Direct manipulation.
Computers are point and click retrieval of information. They are tools to be used at our disposal and they improve our day to day lives by being used a tools for living.

Expression, persuasion and entertainment. Computers are means of educating, emtertaining and engaging. From television to telephones to advertising.

Artificial life, chaos. Computers evolving, complex behaviours. This is to do with my crazy conspiracy thoeries above.

Computers are literally vehicles (cars etc) and also a means of navigating. Through infrastructure and rules. Computers here can mean maps, cars, internet etc

Here is talks about computers being an extension of the self and expression. It's in the cars we drive, the phones we use, our facebook page, our blogs... computers are now a personalised means of expression and personality, rather than just functional simple tools that help us get a job done.

Computer-as-person motivates dialog where the goal is autonomy and
intelligence. Computer-as-tool motivates direct manipulation where the
goals are efficiency and empowerment. Computer-as-media motivates
expression, engagement and immersion.

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