Monday 27 August 2012

Week 5: Object-Behaviour-Scenario

We got an introduction to the whole basis of this project-

To design for interaction we need to identify the behaviour of a product and the whole system that they immerse themselves in (or the context that the object lives in).

There are many different interactions (or simple put, the inputs/outputs we identified earlier in the semester) and there are many different users meaning that one interaction may not make sense to another user. For example, an elderly person and a gen Y grew up in completely different generations and as a result of this, may naturally interact with things differently. A gen Y may intereact with a mobile phone differently to an elderly person so their learnt/taught knowledge on common things may be different.

So we need to identity our user, learn about them and the interactions useful to them, then design accordingly with this knowledge.

The three parts of O/B/S are as follows:

The tangible aspect of the product. The Form, the aesthetics, the ergonomics. The materials and techniques and the mechanisms and the components.

The scenario links PEOPLE>EVENTS>PLACES. We communicate the scenario with narratives: videos, storyboards etc.
The narrative demontrates the user benefit and the alternative futures.

It's products as extensions of people's senses. It involves the logocal understanding of peoples behaviours and object behaviours. Defines input and output mechanisms.

This is the basic knowledge we need to keep in mind and know for our interaction design. We have to take our interaction learning about the inputs and outputs and bring it firther to create out complete, workable design.

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