Tuesday 14 August 2012

Week four, development of trolley game

As we discussed, we began to suddenly develop our idea into a tangible thing.
We decided to go with a game like the buzzer game:

Basically the idea would be to push the trolley down the aisle without hitting the sides or the buzzer would go off. And once you hit home a victory tune would sound.
We further developed to include a counter that recorded the number or hits and depending on how well you did, you could win deals for shops in the shopping center you were just at. Hit only once and get 10% off at donut king, that sort of thing. But that was more New Product Development thinking as it was almost a business model so we decided to not include any of that in the physical mock up we were planning.

So we identified:
Input= hit the side bars
output= buzzer noise
second output= red LED lights up
third output= counter goes up by one each time there is a hit

input= dont hit the side bars
output= blue LED constant

input= hit the end
output= victory tune
second output=green LED lights up
third output= Counter resets after a 5 second waiting period

We collected all the bits and pieces from Yasu and talked it through with him.
He suggested that instead of putting a pressure pad along the whole side bar, just for the demonstration we could put push buttons on the sides and front of the trolley itself  to simulate the same inputs and outputs, but to keep the amount of coding and materials to a minimum.

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