Tuesday 7 August 2012

Week three, group update

So we came to class this week and got nice and confused all over again.

After some discussions with Marianella and Yasu we discovered that the parts of the objects we pulled apart were NOT what we had to use for the week 5 presentation. I feel we wasted alot of time trying to make something out of the pieces we had and got bogged down.

After the confusion was cleared up, we started to look at sites that told us how to construct a simple design using arduino.


This website told us all the materials needed to construct certain simple products. Through research on websites like this, (and alot of time spent on the Arduino website discovering different coding etc http://arduino.cc/playground/projects/ideas )   we began to understand the complexity of certain inputs/outputs and what was within our grasp programming wise for our week 5 project.

We went around in circles trying to think of a design or a scenario to design for but as we were only just starting to grasp the whole concept of everything involved.

Honestly we have had a very slow start to all of this, it's a very steep learning curve and we're hoping to have a breakthrough soon.

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